Strategic Objective 2.5.1: Photonic Components

Project acronym: PHODYE
Project full title: New Photonic Systems on a Chip based on DYEs for Sensor Applications scalable at Wafer Fabrication
Contract number: 033793
This EU project will be carried out between the 1st October 2006 and the 31st October 2010. It aims at the development of a new family of sensor devices combining dye sensor films and photonic structures. Eight different academic and industrial partners from four different European countries participate in the project.
The PHODYE project has been able to develop a novel sensor technology based on the photonic detection of environmental changes. The technology has been proved successful to measure the concentration in air of certain pollutant gases like NO2, the level of UV irradiation or the temperature. Encapsulated visual tags and photonic chips have been developed based in a new kind of photonic dye thin films also developed in the project.
In parallel, a cheap and reliable detection platform has been constructed and tested in real scenarios proving the good performance of the PHODYE chips. A first assessment of this new sensing technology, of its cost and of its possible uses has demonstrated that it can be competitive with some of the detection systems available in the market. NO2 visual dosimeters and monitoring systems have been recognized as application products where the developed technology is more promising. Other sensing elements are being under development following a similar strategy.